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07: Deploy to prod

After you've tested your deployment in lab, it's time to promote your deployment to prod.

You're "promoting" to prod

This is an important concept of SOFA deployments:

  • Deploying to lab is "hard work" – the CI/CD is building Docker images, running static checks like tsc or ESLint, storing the Docker image to an internal registry, etc. This typically takes minutes.
  • Deploying to prod is a much simpler event – you just instruct the infrastructure to use one of the previously built Docker images. It typically takes seconds.

How to deploy to prod manually


sofa deploy --prod

This will promote the current lab version to prod.

How to deploy to prod automatically

You can configure the CI/CD to deploy to prod automatically by editing the sofa.json file:

  "mergeToMasterAlsoPromotesToProd": true

Merging to master will now do two things:

  1. Build the lab environment
  2. If the previous step was successful, it will also update the production deployment

🎉 Congratulations, you now know a lot about SOFA and how to deploy Shoptet Premium shops. You'll find more specific docs in the "Guides" section or feel free to reach out!